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TV Docs A Dogs World with Tony Armstrong

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Watch for free: https://iview.abc.net.au/show/dog-s-world-with-tony-armstrong

"Tony Armstrong takes us into the incredible world of our four-legged friends, revealing the fascinating evolutionary journey of dogs, their amazing super senses, and the science behind their well-being."

Just finished watching this incredibly interesting series about dogs with wifey.

Well worth a watch as it delves into science, and speaks with experts in the field regarding subject topics.

All up about 3hrs viewing.

Captain Ibis

Squad Member
13 Jun 2020
Trophy Points
I've been watching some of those border patrol type shows lately and I just love seeing the work done by the sniffer dogs.

I keep thinking to myself that it's so weird to think that there are these other conscious creatures that while they may share some similarities to us, they experience the world in a completely different way.