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WWE NXT Takeover - In Your House (Spoilers inside)

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8 Jun 2020
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Having finally gotten around to watching this, what an absolute let down this was.

Felt like everyone was told "don't go out and fight to the best of your abilities, just do what you need to do to tick the boxes".

Ciampa vs Kross was the fight of the night for me, with Balor vs Priest a close second.

The rest were garbage.

Lee vs Gargano - waste of time. Lee was plodding around and it was almost a tit for tat match which was clunky and never flowed. Lee looked way off his normal self and it was disappointing. You could have swapping in Bronson Reed or Killian Dain and got the same fight I reckon.

Velveteen Dream vs Undisputed Era - Lets be honest we knew this was never going to be a straight forwards and fair fight, and it seems more clear than ever that Cole can no longer win without his goon squad. Problem is that it's pretty much locked him into the title, and with Regal agreeing that Dream can never challenge for the title again, it makes Dream completely pointless in NXT now. Whats the point if he can't challenge whilst Cole is champion? Even if Cole gets the belt taken from him, it'll be months before Dream could challenge again. Same kinda applies for Ciampas run at Goldie again. It won't be allowed. With Riddle moving to the top roster, I can't see anyone challenging for a while.

That said ... I dare say Kross will challenge at some point and tear Cole a new one.

All in all I'd give the entire thing a 5/10. 2 points for Ciampa and Balor fights, and 1 for everything else.